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The scientific research team of the Halabja Disabled Organization contributed to a study entitled The Code of Conduct for Autism Therapists in Governmental Centers (with Halabja, Sulaymaniyah, Erbil, Duhok, and Garmian as sample areas). This research was presented at the First International Scientific Conference on Child Protection: Present and Future, held on 19-20 September 2024 in Erbil.
The study represents a novel scientific approach to assessing the professional, ethical, and scientific standards maintained by therapists working with children with autism. It is the first research of its kind to emphasize the critical need for a comprehensive scientific and ethical framework for training centers serving children with autism.
The findings from this study are poised to serve as a foundation for establishing work policies within these centers and for guiding the conduct of therapists. Conducted by a multidisciplinary team, the research provides thoroughly validated insights into both theoretical and practical aspects.
This conference was organized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in collaboration with UNICEF and Save the Children.